Car Accident Lawyer

Although a car accident is over in seconds, the stress, pain, and lost wages can affect you and your family for a lifetime. If a negligent driver has caused you injury, our car accident attorneys will fight for the compensation you deserve. Why hire our loyal and compassionate personal injury lawyers serving Scranton, Stroudsburg, and Wilkes-Barre, PA?

Catastrophic Injuries Result in Long-term Consequences

A serious injury can impact your family's lives in so many ways. Living with long-term disability or disfigurement can affect a person's ability to earn a living, engage in social interactions, and experience important milestones such as getting married or having children.

At Foley Law Firm, we understand the full extent of trauma that a car accident can cause for families. We are committed to righting wrongs, holding the negligent party accountable, and helping our clients piece their lives back together so they can take care of themselves and their family with dignity.

person in wheelchair

What to Do after an Accident
To Protect Your Rights and Obtain Justice

It is important that accident victims and their loved ones take the right steps to ensure that their case is handled in a proper and timely manner. We want to help you prevent technicalities with insurance companies or administrative red tape from affecting the outcome. Meeting with our attorneys and following these steps can help victims obtain full compensation for damages such as medical expenses, a lost ability to work, and pain and suffering:

Contact an Attorney

If you or your loved one has been seriously injured, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible after the accident. Our car accident lawyers can  review your case and provide legal advice during your free case evaluation. Then, we can guide you through the entire legal process and handle the next steps so you and your family can focus on healing.

Get Ongoing Medical Care

Get immediate and ongoing medical care to document the severity of injuries. This includes attending all physician and mental health care appointments. Having medical experts and paperwork that can detail the extent of physical and emotional injuries in the months after the car crash helps us build a stronger car accident case.

Preserve Evidence

Save and document every expense related to the accident, injury, and your medical care, including time off work, old pay stubs, gas receipts, and medical bills. In addition, take photos of the injuries immediately and throughout the healing process. If you can, return to the scene of the accident to take photos and note any important details.

Make Sure a Police Report Was Filed

Make sure that the police were called to the scene of the accident and that a police report was filed. Our car accident attorneys in Scranton and Stroudsburg will also contact the police to get a copy of the report.

Don't Admit Fault

You can notify your insurer of the accident. Do not speak to the other driver's insurer. In addition, when speaking to insurance companies, witnesses, or other people involved in the case, do not admit fault, apologize for the accident, or make any statements indicating that you or your passengers are uninjured, even if significant injuries are not immediately apparent.

Speak to An Attorney 

Attorneys Kevin P. Foley, Michael J. Foley, Thomas J. Foley, Jr., and Thomas J. Foley, III have all received prestigious awards and positions in the legal field, illustrating their high level of skill and commitment to serving their neighbors in Scranton, Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, and surrounding communities. For more than four decades, our collaborative approach has allowed us to build effective legal strategies for our clients.

To schedule your complimentary consultation, contact our car accident lawyers online or call us at:

(800) 523-6539

law offices

Pursuing Justice after a Car Accident

After an auto accident, our attorneys can help you collect compensation in one of two ways:

1. File an Insurance Claim

Generally, the first step after an accident is to file a claim with your insurance company or the other driver's insurance company. However, some companies will try to settle quickly at an amount far below what you need and deserve. Our team can assess any offers and determine if they are fair based on your injuries, property damage, and other losses.

2. File a Lawsuit

If an insurance company refuses to pay a fair amount or the amount of damages exceeds policy limits, you can file a lawsuit to pursue compensation. During a free consultation at our personal injury attorney offices in Scranton or Stroudsburg, PA — or at a location more convenient for you — we can investigate the details of your case to determine the best way to collect.

"Foley Law Firm Did An Amazing Job."

"The Foley Law Firm did an amazing job with my case. Though it seemed to be a difficult case to win, I felt confident with their team throughout the process. I would recommend this law firm to anyone, they treat you like family."
TJ Thomas

Should I File a Lawsuit?

If you are considering filing a lawsuit after an automobile accident, there are a few factors you should consider first:

Am I At Fault?

While you can file a lawsuit even if you were partially at fault, it is a good idea to be certain that the majority of fault lies with the other party. Otherwise, a lawsuit may not be worth the time and resources.

Extent of Injuries and Damages

Our attorneys typically only recommend a lawsuit for clients whose case is worth significantly more than what the insurer is offering. For smaller damages, negotiating with the insurance company may be a better choice.

Possibility of Going to Court

There is a possibility that we will need to go to court to argue your case before a jury, so you should be willing to take that step if needed. However, we try to settle most of our cases outside of the courtroom.

Why Choose Our Practice?

When you hire our law firm, our attorneys will take immediate action to ensure that we have the best chance of obtaining a favorable outcome. As our client, you can expect to experience several important benefits:

You Can Focus on Healing

Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be incredibly stressful. Hiring an attorney can allow you and your family to focus on healing and moving forward with your lives while an advocate takes care of collecting what you deserve. We offer home and hospital visits to make the process as easy as possible for you.

We Are Focused on a Fair Compensation

Our team can negotiate with the insurance company to make sure you are treated fairly. If they refuse to pay you a fair settlement or your damages exceed the amount you can collect through insurance, we can file a lawsuit to help you start your path to recovery.


We have been serving the communities of Scranton, Stroudsburg, Wilkes-Barre, and beyond for more than 40 years. Our team is made up of dedicated professionals with the commitment, resources, and ethical standards necessary to handle even the most complex and challenging litigation.

History of Success

We are dedicated to providing superior legal representation to individuals and families that have suffered losses due to the negligent or wrongful actions of others. We have obtained millions of dollars in restitution for victims of automobile accidents.

Prestigious Awards

Four of our lawyers have been named “Pennsylvania Super Lawyers” by Philadelphia Magazine. Foley Law Firm is proud to be one of the few personal injury firms outside of Philadelphia to receive this honor.

We Are Local

Instead of hiring a law firm out of Philadelphia, many of our clients choose us because our lawyers have been handling car accident cases in Northeastern Pennsylvania for decades. We also understand how some of the most dangerous roads in Lackawanna and Monroe counties contribute to auto accidents.

Justice for an Innocent Victim

We obtained a $10.78 million award for a man who suffered traumatic brain injuries in an auto accident.

"The Best Representation."


Eileen Yetter


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I was involved in a collision with a drunk driver. My medical bills were extensive and my auto insurance was not given me answers I understood. I honestly could not comprehend all that was being discussed as everyone was speaking medical and insurance lingo. I contacted the family lawyer and they directed us to Thomas J Foley III. He gave me the answers to the question I had and provided the best representation, I could ever ask for. He communicate with me in all aspects of my case and provided me with counsel to receive the settlement I deserved. I did not feel alone through the whole ordeal. If you are in search of an attorney who to provide the best service, communicates your need and addresses your concerns then Thomas J Foley III, is the Advocate  I recommend.

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Arie Nobel


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After my MVA accident I noticed I was unable to reach a settlement due to obstructive and pernicious behavior on the part of the responsible party’s insurance company. I than contacted Thomas J Foley, III to represent me. I admired his calm thorough and considered approach, his detailed knowledge and wealth of experience together with his unwavering desire to reach an acceptable solution. If you are looking for strong representation or facing an unreasonable and unyielding party, I strongly recommend contacting Thomas J Foley, III, at Foley law firm, who will fully fight for you to hold the responsible party’s insurance company accountable.

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Arranging to meet with a dedicated legal advocate is as simple as filling out the electronic form below. Don't wait any longer to start pursuing the justice you and your loved ones deserve.

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Pennsylvania's Growing Population and Busy Roads

Since 1990, Pennsylvania's population has grown by about 900,000 residents. Meanwhile, there are many development and infrastructure projects in place. For example, ongoing roadwork by PennDOT on Interstate 80, Interstate 81, and Interstate 84 in Monroe and Lackawanna counties involves bridgework, concrete slab replacement, milling, paving, deck repairs, joint sealing, and more. Some of these projects are expected to continue until 2023. While the roadwork is intended to make the roadways safer, construction work can increase the risk of auto accidents due to lane closures, lane restrictions, new traffic patterns, and the presence of construction equipment and workers on these busy roadways.

roadwork on pennsylvania roadways

Motor Vehicle Accident Statistics in Pennsylvania

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2018 Crash Facts & Statistics, there were 128,420 reportable traffic crashes in Pennsylvania that year; 78,219 people were injured and 1,190 people were killed in these collisions.

Passenger Cars

Fatal Crashes: 603
Injury Crashes: 39,319
PDO* Crashes: 49,194
Total Crashes: 89,116


Fatal Crashes: 159
Injury Crashes: 2,394
PDO Crashes: 161
Total Crashes: 2,714 


Fatal Crashes: 511
Injury Crashes: 29,535
PDO Crashes: 35,111
Total Crashes: 65,157


Fatal Crashes: 18
Injury Crashes: 955
PDO Crashes: 0
Total Crashes: 974
*Property Damage Only

Heavy Truck

Fatal Crashes: 118
Injury Crashes: 3,110
PDO Crashes: 4,108
Total Crashes: 7,336


Total Pedestrians Involved: 4,351
Injuries: 4,090
No-injuries: 60
Fatalities: 201

Take Action Today

Contact our car accident lawyers today to get immediate help and legal guidance. We offer free consultations, and there are no upfront costs or obligations because we work on a contingency fee basis. We are also available 24/7 and offer remote representation because we understand you are going through a difficult time. Contact us online or call our offices in Scranton and Stroudsburg at:

(800) 523-6539

"They Won My Case."

"Tom and his team helped to make a difficult time so much easier. They were always available with knowledgeable advice and won my case in a timely manner. Yes I would hire Tom Foley again!"
Kathy Clifford

Driver Actions that Contribute to Accidents in Pennsylvania

Driver Action Total Crashes Fatal Crashes
Speed-Related 32,710 397
Distracted Driver 14,292 63
Improper Turning-Related 12,871 76
Proceeded w/o Clearance 8,895 40
Tailgating 8,519 150
Careless/Illegal Passing 7,310 11
Careless/Illegal Passing 4,848 68
Drowsy Drivers 2,533 15
driver action illustration

Failure to Yield: A Common Cause of Improper Turning-Related Accidents

failure to yield

A driver making a left turn and failing to yield to the oncoming vehicle that had the right of way.

When a driver fails to yield and allow the driver with the right of way to safely pass, it can result in a serious car crash. Drivers who commit improper turning-related infractions are more likely to cause an accident.

Failure to yield accidents may occur when a driver makes a left turn at an intersection, as illustrated in this image. The driver turning left is almost always at fault for the accident unless they can prove the driver going straight was speeding or failed to follow the rules of the road.

These accidents can also occur when a driver makes a right turn on a red light, merges into another traffic lane, or enters or exits a driveway or parking lot. They can also happen when a driver fails to stop when cross-traffic has the right of way at a stop sign, there is a flashing traffic light, or a pedestrian or cyclist is in a crosswalk.

Improper Lane Changes: A Common Result of Distraction, Impairment, and Speeding

Improper Lane Changes

Typically, the driver that moved into another lane is considered at fault for automobile accidents caused by improper lane changes. When a driver merges, it is his or her responsibility to turn on the vehicle's turn signal and make sure it is safe to change lanes.

However, a number of factors can contribute to an improper lane change and resulting accident. The speed of the merging and oncoming vehicles, along with the distance between them, plays a role. In addition, failure to use blinkers or check blind spots, driver distraction, or negligent and reckless driving can contribute to improper lane changes.

Having a lawyer on your side that can review the circumstances of your case and establish the other driver's liability is critical to obtaining a good outcome in your case.

A Closer Look At Three Common Causes of Accidents


Speed-related infractions were the most common driver actions that contributed to auto accidents in Pennsylvania in 2018. They also caused the greatest number of fatalities because speeding results in higher-impact collisions. Speeding can also increase the risk of other drivers losing control of their vehicle.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving was the second most common driver infraction that contributed to car crashes in the state in 2018. Distracted driving includes behaviors such as talking or texting on a cell phone, using car navigation systems, changing music settings, eating, and talking to other passengers in the vehicle.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving was the fifth most common driver behavior that contributed to auto accidents; it was also the second most common cause of fatal crashes. Drunk driving reduces driver reaction times, results in poor decision making, and causes more erratic and reckless driving, increasing the risk of an accident.

Let Us Start Building Your Case

Contact us today so we can begin the process of investigating your case and preserving evidence. Contact us online or call (800) 523-6539.

Most Common Crash Types in Pennsylvania

Crash Type  Crashes Fatalities
Hit Fixed Object 39,261  381
Angle 34,346  257
Rear End 27,958 80
Sideswipe 8,138 60
Head On 5,089 141
Non-Collision 4,098 59
Hit Pedestrian 4,045 191
Backing Up 448 0
Other 5,037 21

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end accidents are one of a few types of accidents that fall into the category of "no-doubt liability." In most cases, the driver who hits the car in front of them is at fault for the accident unless the driver in the front vehicle was careless in some way. Some factors that may shift liability include broken brake lights or faulty turn signals.
woman using phone after an accident
There were nearly 30,000 rear-end collisions in Pennsylvania in 2018.

How Common Collision Types Occur

Head-on Collision

Head-on Collisions

When cars heading in opposite directions crash at their front ends, the direct impact can result in catastrophic injuries and death. Head-on car crashes often occur due to wrong-way driving, crossing the divider line, speeding around a curve, or passing when it's not safe to do so.

T-Bone Collisions

T-Bone Collisions

T-bone accidents occur when the front end of one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. They are also called intersection or angle accidents because they often occur at intersections or when drivers are making an illegal turn. These were the second most common type of collision in the state in 2018.

Sideswipe Accident

Sideswipe Accidents

Sideswipe accidents are collisions in which both drivers are going in the same direction and the side of one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. This type of accident most commonly occurs when a driver is engaging in improper passing or merging in an unsafe manner.

Crash with Fixed Object

Crashes with Fixed Objects

Crashes with fixed objects were the most common type of auto accident in Pennsylvania in 2018. These crashes occur when a car hits a tree, guard rail, utility pole, traffic barrier, or another object. The accidents can be caused by vehicle defects, another driver, or poor road conditions.

Put An Advocate in Your Corner

We have two offices that are conveniently located in Scranton and Stroudsburg. These locations are close to the Lackawanna County and Monroe County courthouses. For clients who can't travel to our offices, we also offer remote representation and we can travel to your home or hospital room. Contact us online or call us at (800) 523-6539.
Scranton Area
Scranton Area
Stroudsburg Area
Stroudsburg Area

Helping Grieving Loved Ones Obtain Justice

Our dedicated legal advocates negotiated a $4 million settlement for the widow of a man who died in a highway work zone case.

Counties and Cities That We Serve

Lackawanna County

The population of Lackawanna County actually decreased from 219,000 in 1990 to less than 210,000 in 2019. Still, despite making up just 1.6 percent of the state's population, the county accounts for 2.5 percent of the state's fatal crashes.

  • Population: 209,674 (1.6% of statewide total)
  • Fatal Injury Crashes: 28 (2.5% of statewide total)
  • Pedestrian Fatalities: 4 (2% of statewide total)
  • Alcohol-related Fatalities: 6 (1.8% of statewide total)
  • Injury Crashes: 1,197 (1.5% of statewide total)
  • PDO: 1,462 (2.1% of statewide total)
  • Total Crashes: 2,687 (2.1% of statewide total)

Factors that May Increase Auto Accident Risks

Ongoing roadwork: Interstate 80, Interstate 81, and Interstate 84

Major events: Lackawanna County Heritage Fair, weekly farmer's markets

Lackawanna County

Monroe County

The population of Monroe County increased from almost 97,000 in 1990 to over 170,000 in 2019. Despite making up just 1.3% percent of the state's population, the county accounts for 2.1% percent of the state's fatal alcohol-related crashes.

  • Population: 170,271 (1.3%)
  • Fatal Injury Crashes: 18 (1.6%)
  • Pedestrian Fatalities: 3 (1.5%)
  • Alcohol-related Fatalities: 7 (2.1%)
  • Injury Crashes: 1,044 (1.8%)
  • PDO: 1,399 (2.0%)
  • Total Crashes: 2,461 (1.9%)

Factors that May Increase Auto Accident Risks

Ongoing roadwork: Interstate 80, Interstate 81, and Interstate 84

Major events: Two NASCAR events each year at Pocono Raceway

monroe county


Scranton was designated as the county seat in 1878 when Lackawanna County was established. Today, the city has a population of just over 77,000 people. It is the site of the Lackawanna County Courthouse and five colleges and universities: The University of Scranton, The Commonwealth Medical College, Johnson College, Lackawanna College, and Marywood University. Some of the biggest events in Scranton include La Festa Italiana, a three-day Italian festival during Labor Day weekend in the courthouse square.

With its steady population and the influx of visitors to Scranton, the risk of car crashes increases. Drivers should be particularly cautious on Route 307 between Scranton and Newton Township, where six fatalities occurred along a 5.1 mile stretch between 2007 and 2017.



Located in the heart of the Poconos Mountains, Stroudsburg attracts visitors from throughout the northeast. The charming Main Street and downtown areas have museums, galleries, music venues, wineries, restaurants, shops, and more. In addition, there are many hiking and biking paths for those that enjoy outdoor activities. Stroudsburg also hosts several popular events on Main Street each year, including Halloween, a St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Winterfest, and StroudFest. The annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony is also a popular event, as are the concerts and shows put on at Sherman Theater.

While many residents and visitors safely enjoy all that Stroudsburg has to offer, auto accidents do occur. The risk can increase when high numbers of tourists come to town and alcohol is involved. Our car accident lawyers have an office here in Stroudsburg, conveniently located near the Monroe County Courthouse, so we can handle car accident claims for both residents and visitors to the area.



The Scranton–Wilkes-Barre–Hazleton Metropolitan Statistical Area has a population of more than a half-million residents. Wilkes-Barre has nearly 41,000 residents and it is the county seat and site of the Luzerne County Courthouse.

There are several attractions and events that bring visitors to the area, including minor-league Pittsburgh Penguins hockey games and the Railriders baseball team at PNC Field. In addition, the city puts on a Third Friday Artwalk and Fine Arts Fiesta.

Residents and visitors who have been injured in a car crash in Wilkes-Barre can contact our car accident lawyers for a free consultation and legal guidance.


When Your Losses Are Irreplaceable Foley Law Firm Will Stand by You

When negligence results in the loss of an innocent victim's life, the repercussions are devastating and far-reaching. Beyond the immediate and immense grief these losses cause, the bereaved are left with a loss of income, a loss of consortium, and psychological wounds that may likely never heal. Although no amount of money can make up for the loss of a loved one, it can help you and your family cope with the devastation and move forward. With Foley Law Firm by your side, you can expect that we will pursue the absolute maximum amount of compensation through a wrongful death suit.

You Have Two Years To File a Claim

Personal Injury Statutes of Limitations

In Pennsylvania, personal injury lawsuits have a two-year statute of limitations, meaning you have two years after your accident to file. If you were injured, the "clock" starts running on the date of the accident.

Wrongful Death Statutes of Limitations

However, if you lost a loved one in an accident and wish to file a wrongful death lawsuit, the date that matters is the date of the victim's death, which may be different from the date of the accident.

It is very important to consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident to ensure that you have enough time to file. Once your two-year limit expires, you can no longer pursue compensation against those who may be responsible for your accident.

statute of limitations

Request Your Free Consultation

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Once the two-year statute of limitations expires, you can no longer pursue compensation against those who may be responsible for your accident.

Pennsylvania Laws Pertaining to Liability and Insurance

Comparative Negligence

When both parties are found to share the blame for an automobile accident, Pennsylvania operates under the rule of "modified comparative fault." Under comparative negligence rules, the total dollar amount you can collect depends on what percentage of fault the courts decide you share. For example, if the court rules that you share 20 percent of the fault for an accident and you suffered $10,000 worth of damages, you would only receive $8,000. Our personal injury lawyers will work to limit your liability as much as possible.

No-fault Car Insurance

Pennsylvania is one of the few states that provides the option to choose no-fault car insurance. This provides limited options when it comes to filing suit against a third party. For example, a no-fault insurance carrier can pursue actual damages that exceed a certain amount, but collecting compensation for pain and suffering is only permissible under very specific circumstances, such as the other motorist driving under the influence or driving a car registered in another state. Either way, our personal injury lawyers are here to help you collect maximum damages.

Record Settlement

We have obtained millions of dollars in automobile accident settlements for our clients, including a record $14,750,000 settlement that was the largest involving a car and truck accident in Lackawanna County.

Book a Free Case Review with Our Attorneys Today

Don't hesitate to contact our car accident attorneys to schedule your free consultation and case review. You can get the legal advice you need at our Scranton or Stroudsburg offices serving Wilkes-Barre and surrounding communities, or arrange for us to meet you elsewhere. Contact us online or call us at (800) 523-6539.


Schedule Your Free Consultation

Contact our car accident attorneys to find out how we can help you obtain maximum compensation for property damage, medical bills, lost earning capacity, and emotional suffering. Our firm is dedicated to helping victims in Wilkes-Barre and throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania Contact us online or call us at (800) 523-6539.

It is important that accident victims and their loved ones take the right steps to ensure that their case is handled in a proper and timely manner. We want to help you prevent technicalities with insurance companies or administrative red tape from affecting the outcome.

Can I Afford to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Free Consultations

We offer free, no-obligation consultations so you can get the legal advice you need and find out if you should proceed with filing a motor vehicle accident lawsuit.

Contingency Service

At Foley Law Firm, we handle all of our personal injury cases on contingency. Taking a case on contingency means we do not collect fees unless we win your case.

"I Got Paid."

"I was impressed by how professional they were.  They get respect from judges and other lawyers. I got paid and I would recommend them to anyone."
Robert Norton

"Foley Law Supported Us through Many Trials."

A client explains how Foley Law helped her and her family to overcome tremendous hardship following a serious car accident.

Types of Evidence That Can Help Your Case

Medical Records


Expert Testimony

Accident Reconstruction

Police Reports

DMV Records

Vehicle Inspections

We offer free consultations so you can get the legal advice you need, and we handle all of our personal injury cases on a contingency basis. That means we do not collect fees unless we win your case.

Don't Wait to Get Legal Help

Getting immediate legal help can improve your chances of obtaining the compensation you truly need. Trust your case to a firm that is known throughout Wilkes-Barre and all of Northeastern Pennsylvania for achieving the results victims need. Contact us online or call us at (800) 523-6539.

Car Accident FAQs

What should I do if I'm in an auto accident in Pennsylvania?

Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

What if the other driver flees the scene of the motor vehicle accident?

Make sure a police report has been filed and contact an attorney.

Should I see a doctor if I don't think I'm injured after my motor vehicle accident?

Yes, some injuries aren't immediately apparent.

Should I notify my insurer if I'm in an auto accident?

Yes, but do not admit fault or say you aren't injured.

Should I accept an offer from an auto insurance company for my car accident?

Insurance companies often offer lowball settlements early in the case. Talk to an attorney before accepting an offer. 

Can I file a motor vehicle accident lawsuit to obtain more money for my accident?

In some cases, yes. Our lawyers offer free no-obligation consultations so we can review your case and advise you of your options.

What if the driver who caused my auto accident has no insurance?

A lawyer can talk to you about your options, which may include filing a claim against your insurer if you have uninsured or underinsured coverage, or filing suit against another responsible person or party.

"He Fought For Me Like a Bulldog."

"My attorney is Michael Foley. He is the epitome of efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy. He listened to my point of view and fought for me like a bulldog to get the best settlement possible." DJ A
Foley Law Firm office building

Foley Law Firm

The attorneys of the Foley Law Firm provide committed personal injury representation to eastern Pennsylvania. Our firm is proud to be affiliated with prominent organizations, including:

  • Martindale-Hubbell®
  • U.S. News & Nightly Reports
  • Super Lawyers
  • Lawdragon 

If you are looking for legal representation from a top-rated personal injury law firm in Scranton, call us at (800) 523-6539 or request a consultation online.

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