Foley Law Firm

What Types of Damages Can Be Claimed in a Product Liability Claim?

Mar 1, 2023 @ 11:23 AM — by Foley Law Firm
Tagged with: Types Of Damages That Can Be Claimed In A Product Liability Claim

Consumers should have a reasonable expectation that a product they purchase will work safely and without incident when used as intended but when defects are present, using a product can lead to significant injuries. 

A product liability claim helps hold responsible parties liable for injuries caused by the use of defective products. When a defective product causes injury, it may be possible to recover several different types of damages through a product liability claim.

The product liability attorneys of Foley Law Firm explain what types of damages can be claimed in a product liability claim to clients at their Scranton, PA, Stroudsburg, PAWilkes-Barre, PA, based offices. 

About Product Liability Claims

Product liability refers to an area of law that is used to hold parties that manufacture, sell, distribute, or supply products responsible for injuries that may occur from the use of a defective product.  

A product liability claim may be made when a serious injury has occurred when using a product due to a manufacturing defect, design defect, or marketing defect (such as a failure to warn of an obvious risk).  

There are several types of damages that may be claimed in a product liability case. These damages are divided into two categories, economic damages and non-economic damages. The following are some of the most common types of economic and non-economic damages claimed in a product liability claim.  

Economic Damages

Victims of a defective product may seek economic damages for their injuries and other losses. Economic damages are losses that have a calculable financial value, like lost wages or medical bills.

By seeking economic damages, the victim in a product liability claim is asking for compensation for financial losses they suffered as a result of their injuries.

Some common types of economic damages sought in a product liability claim include:

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages refer to damages that do not have a direct monetary value. Instead, a monetary value is determined based on the severity and extent of the injured victim’s pain, suffering, emotional distress and other intangible issues resulting from the defective product. 

Settlements for non-economic damages may be negotiated with an insurer or may be determined by a jury if a product liability claim goes to trial. 

Some common types of non-economic damages claimed in a product liability claim include:

Schedule a Consultation with Our Product Liability Attorneys

When a product has been used properly but a defect has led to a serious injury, it’s important that steps are taken to hold responsible parties liable and compensation is paid to injured victims. If you have been injured by a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation through a product liability claim. To discuss the details of your claim with one of our product liability attorneys, call the Foley Law Firm at (570) 424-1757 or contact us online.