Foley Law Firm

Signs that Indicate Another Driver Was Texting

Aug 19, 2021 @ 09:29 PM — by Foley Law Firm
Tagged with: Signs That Another Driver Is Texting

Proving accident liability after a car crash is not always easy. Drivers seldom admit fault, even if they were driving recklessly or negligently at the time of the crash. For instance, texting contributes to many car accidents, but few drivers confess to texting while driving, especially if it results in a collision.

It is important to be aware of some of the common signs that another driver is texting. Any accident victim that suspects texting caused a crash can work with the car accident lawyers at the Foley Law Firm, serving Scranton, Stroudsburg, and Wilkes-Barre, PA, to establish accident liability and pursue the financial compensation they are due for damages.

Driver Posture

One of the more obvious signs that a person is texting while driving is their posture or position in the car. In many cases a cell phone can be easily seen in the driver’s hand, but even if a driver attempts to conceal the phone, they are likely to be in a bent or hunched position, so that they are looking down at the phone as it sits in their lap. If the neck and/or shoulders are bent over and the driver is obviously distracted, it is likely that they are texting or using their cell phone in another manner.

Light or Glow from the Cell Phone

When driving at night it can be difficult to see other drivers clearly. However, if a driver’s position is not visible, the light or glow from a cell phone can give them away. At night the light from a cell phone screen is quite bright, so it is likely to illuminate the driver’s face, making it clear that they are texting.

Witness Testimony

When individuals are involved in a car accident, they do not always get the full picture of what contributed to the collision. It is important to talk to any individuals who witnessed the crash, because they may have seen things that the involved parties did not. If a witness states that they saw a driver texting at the time of a crash it is important to collect their contact information so that they can provide testimony to insurance companies, attorneys, or the court.

Police Report

If a car accident results in damages or personal injury, the police should be contacted so that they can respond to the scene and file a police report. Any driver who suspects that texting was the cause of a car accident needs to let the responding officer know, so that they can look for evidence of texting when conducting their investigation. If a police report includes suspicions of texting while driving, it can serve as an essential piece of evidence in court.

Cell Phone Records

Cell phone records are a great source of evidence in car accidents involving suspected texting. If there are any signs that a driver was texting at the time of a crash, accident victims should hire a car accident lawyer to represent their case. Our lawyers can subpoena cell phone records from the time of an accident to prove if a driver was texting or using their phone immediately prior to the collision.

Request a Consultation

If you’ve been injured in a car accident caused by texting, you may be due significant financial compensation for accident damages. To find out how the lawyers at the Foley Law Firm can assist you in pursuing accident damages, contact us online to request a consultation, or call our law firm at (570) 342-8194.