Foley Law Firm

The Increased Danger of Auto Accidents on Rural Roads

Apr 6, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Foley Law Firm
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Driving on rural roads present unique hazards that can lead to car accidents with serious injuries. Those injured in these types of car accidents may have grounds for filing a personal injury lawsuit when the accident was the result of another party's negligence. If you have been injured in a car accident, an attorney can look at the details of your case to determine if you have a personal injury claim. If you would like more information about your legal rights regarding auto accidents and rural roads, we encourage you to contact our Scranton, PA practice, Foley Law Firm.

The Dangers of Rural Roads

Rural roads may be less traveled than city highways, but that doesn't necessarily make them safer. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, car accidents on rural roads are 2.4 times more likely to result in fatalities than car accidents in urban areas. Rural roads present unique driving conditions that can cause car accidents to be fatal. There are many possible reasons driving on rural roads can lead to fatal car accidents or serious injuries. Some hazards of rural roads include:

Types of Injuries from Car Accidents on Rural Roads

Car accidents on rural roads can lead to serious, life changing injuries, or even death. Some injuries that may be sustained in a car accident on a rural road include:

Seek the Help of a Personal Injury Attorney

When a car accident occurs due to someone else's negligence, there may be grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident on a rural road, seeking the help of a personal injury attorney can help you obtain compensation. Personal injury attorneys work on their client's behalf to recover full compensation for damages sustained as a result of their client's injuries.

Contact the Car Accident Attorneys of Foley Law Firm

To learn more about your legal options, you are encouraged to schedule a consultation with on of our experienced car accident attorneys.