Foley Law Firm

How Negligence Can Cause Slip and Fall Accidents

Apr 9, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Foley Law Firm
Tagged with: Premises Liability Personal Injury

Slips and falls are something that most of us will experience, probably many times, in our lifetime. While many of these falls result in minor injuries, some have the potential to cause serious injury. If you have been seriously injured in a slip or fall accident, and you believe that accident was caused by the negligence of the property owner, it is important to seek out a premises liability attorney who can examine the incident and determine if you have a viable case. At Foley Law Firm, our personal injury attorneys are highly experienced in premises liability cases and have represented clients who have suffered as a result of many types of slip and fall accidents. Contact our Scranton practice to meet with an attorney.

Types of Slip and Fall Accidents

A slip or fall could happen at any time, and they could be simple accidents in which no one is at fault. However, there are cases in which the fault of a slip or accident lies with the owner of the business or property where the accident took place. If you have been invited onto another persons’ property, or into a place of business, you have a right to assume that they are creating a safe environment for you. If they fail to keep premises safe, neglect to alert patrons or guests to potential hazards, or do not attend to potential dangers that develop, they may be held responsible for any slips or falls that occur as a result. There are many types of slip and fall accidents, and they are described by what caused the accident. Below are some common types of slip and fall accidents that may be cause for a premises liability case:

These types of slips and falls can occur in private homes, parks, businesses, or a person’s workplace. Premises liability has the potential for serious damage and requires the attention of the property owner so damages can be avoided.

When to File Suit

Property owners have insurance that is meant to cover expenses that result from a slip or fall accident, so victims should not hesitate to seek legal advice when such an accident has occurred. We can review the details of your case and determine if the property owner or business owner is liable for damages. Our attorneys are happy to discuss your case and offer our expert advice on whether a strong premises liability case can be made.

Schedule an Appointment

If you have fallen or slipped and believe it was the result of a property owner’s negligence, schedule an appointment to discuss your case with one of our premises liability attorneys at Foley Law Firm. We are happy to listen to the details of your case and advise you on your best course of legal action. We look forward to hearing from you.